Quick Reference


  <li>Basic Interpolation: {{name}}</li>
  <li>Complex Interpolation {{user.name}}</li>

Comment Statement

{{- This is an inline comment -}}
{{- This is
a multiline comment

If Statement

{{if user.isCool}}
This is cool
This is not cool

For Statement

Inside of the for, we expose some helpers: isFirst, isLast, isOdd, isEven. Here is how to use them:

{{for user in users}}
<li {{if user.isFirst}}class="first"{{/if}}>
Hello {{user.name}}

You can expose the index of the current iteration by following the syntax {{for element, index in collection}}):

{{for user, index in users}}
<li>{{index}} - Hello {{user.name}}</li>

Render Statement

    {{ render "/templates/_css.beard" }}
    {{ render "/templates/body.beard" personName="Dan" account=myAccount }}
  {{ render "/templates/_js.beard" }}

Block Statement

Marks one fraction of the code as a block, so it can be extended.

    {{block header}}
      application header

Yield Statement

When extending a template, the content that is not included withing a block statement will be yielded under the yield statement.

    {{block header}}
      application header

Extends Statement

Extends a template, contentFor statements overwrites the block statement with the matching name. The rest of the content not marked as contentFor will be yielded under the yield statement.

{{extends "/beard-benchmark/double-column.beard"}}
{{contentFor header}}
<nav class="top-navi">
    <li>First Link</li>
    <li>Second Link</li>
    <li>Third Link</li>
<p>Yielded content</p>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""