Control Flow

If Statement

Here is a simple if statement:

    {{if user.isCool}}
      <div>{{}} is cool</div>

You can use an else:

    {{if user.isCool}}
      <div>{{}} is cool</div>
      <div>{{}} is not cool</div>

For Statement

Here is a simple for statement:

  {{for user in users}}
    <div>Hello {{]}</div>

You can expose the index of the current iteration by following the syntax {{for element, index in collection}}):

{{for user, index in users}}
<li>{{index}} - Hello {{}}</li>

Inside of the for, we expose some helpers: isFirst, isLast, isNotLast, isOdd, isEven. Here how to use them:

  {{for user in users}}
    <span>isFirst: {{user.isFirst}}</span>
    <span>isLast: {{user.isLast}}</span>
    <span>isNotLast: {{user.isNotLast}}</span>
    <span>isOdd: {{user.isOdd}}</span>
    <span>isEven: {{user.isEven}}</span>

Of course, you can use these helpers inside ifs:

  {{for user in users}}
    {{if user.isOdd }}
      <span clas="red">{{]} </span>
      <span class="white">{{}}</span>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""