Basic Usage

Here is a really simple example, to render an index template:

    <title>{{ the.title }}</title>
    {{ the.content }}

In order to be able to render it, we need to be able to load it, so we'll define a template loader:

val loader = new ClasspathTemplateLoader(
  templatePrefix = "/templates",
  templateSuffix = ".beard"

Then, we need to compile the template:

val templateCompiler = new CustomizableTemplateCompiler(templateLoader = loader)
val template = templateCompiler.compile(TemplateName("index")).get

We also need a context:

val context: Map[String, Map[String, Object]] = Map("the" -> Map("title" -> "Title", "content" -> "Content"))

Now it's time to render it:

val renderer = new BeardTemplateRenderer(templateCompiler)
val result = renderer.render(template,

As we expect we'll end up with this:


results matching ""

    No results matching ""